Do I need expansion joints?
/When a large area of epoxy grout is poured, it is recommended to install expansion joints to reduce the possibility of the grout cracking.
When a large area of epoxy grout is poured, it is recommended to install expansion joints to reduce the possibility of the grout cracking.
It is recommended that expansion joints be installed every 4 to 6 feet.
The purpose of an expansion joint is to engineer a controlled crack in the epoxy grout to reduce the possibility of random cracking, when machinery to grout temperature differentials of 50°F are encountered.
An expansion joint should be one half inch to an inch wide.
Make sure the top of the expansion joint is sealed with an expansion joint material, elastic epoxy seam sealant or silicone caulk capable of expanding.
When a large area of epoxy grout is poured, it is recommended to install expansion joints to reduce the possibility of the grout cracking.
If you do not install expansion joints on a large enough grout pour, the grout is more likely to crack. This does not mean it has failed, however, you need to fill the crack to prevent any liquids from reaching the foundation.
Expansion joints should be made one half inch to one inch thick of a closed-cell neoprene foam rubber or polystyrene.
It is recommended that the expansion joint be sealed to the top of the prepared foundation with a silicone caulk (RTV).
Yes, a crack can occur next to an expansion joint, this does not mean the gout has failed, however, you will need to seal up that crack with expansion joint material or a silicone caulk (RTV) to prevent liquids from getting to the foundation.
When you get a crack in the epoxy grout you will need to seal up the crack with expansion joint material or a silicone caulk (RTV) to prevent liquids from getting to the foundation.