How do I reduce vibration from equipment?
/You can reduce vibration in the equipment by properly transferring the vibration out of the machine to a properly sized foundation. This should be done through use of epoxy grout material.
You can reduce vibration in the equipment by properly transferring the vibration out of the machine to a properly sized foundation. This should be done through use of epoxy grout material.
A monolithic structure is one that operates as a whole. When epoxy grout is placed between concrete and a steel base plate, a monolithic structure is formed.
Vibration cannot jump or be transferred across an air gap. It is important to have a positive bond between the foundation and the baseplate. This can only be done with epoxy grout systems.
The means of transmitting vibration is the epoxy grout. Epoxy grout acts as the conduit to transfer vibration from the equipment to the foundation where it can be dissipated.
When a large area of epoxy grout is poured, it is recommended to install expansion joints to reduce the possibility of the grout cracking.
The purpose of an expansion joint is to engineer a controlled crack in the epoxy grout to reduce the possibility of random cracking, when machinery to grout temperature differentials of 50°F are encountered.
You can fill an expansion joint with silicone caulk, however it is recommended to use an elastic epoxy seam sealant after the grout is fully cured, such as Chockfast Expansion Joint material.
After the grout is cured, remove about a half inch of the expansion joint material and seal the top with an elastic epoxy seam sealant such as Chockfast Expansion Joint material.
Expansion joint sealant is an elastic epoxy seam sealant such as Chockfast Expansion Joint material.
When a large area of epoxy grout is poured, it is recommended to install expansion joints to reduce the possibility of the grout cracking.
When you get a crack in the epoxy grout you will need to seal up the crack with expansion joint material or a silicone caulk (RTV) to prevent liquids from getting to the foundation.
Epoxy is recommended to be used for setting anchor bolts due to its superior adhesion properties.